Sunday, December 03, 2006

Occasional Nike entertainment

Sometimes, the sun shines even on a dog's ass; as the man says. Today, the sun has shown on Nike's ass. Well, or something like that. What's cooler than shooting a golf ball at random objects? Video-taping it at high speed for slow mo.

The Norwalk Dilemma

Perhaps you've heard of Yelp? Perhaps you've reviewed a restaurant? Then, you may understand my dilemma. Step this way...

There is a restaurant you've rated highly before, and you've enjoyed thoroughly previously. Then, you go one Saturday evening, and have a good time. Mysteriously, during the middle of the night, one of the participants gets sick. A little internet digging and some basic logic analysis leads to the conclusion of Norwalk virus via oysters.

Now, you can always blame the victim (what the hell were you doing eating spicy oyster appetizers), or bring on fire and brimstone (there must be some reason that shellfish are specifically forbidden in the Old Testament). However, my focus is on the restaurant review.

What is the etiquette for this? Am I honor bound to write a new bad review? I mean, how seriously do you blame the restaurant? I suppose the only answer is completely... Sigh.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

LA's finest...

I'm sure this is already on everyone's desktop...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Why I love technology?

It's not the constant reinstalls and reboots of all of the sundry electronic devices I have. No, certainly not. Having to know the secret handshake code to get an iPod to reboot after it's decided I don't need to listen to any new music is just icing on the cake. The real reason is illustrated in videos, such as this:

Oh, the hilarity.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

New hottness

Check here, and look at the list of products at the bottom. Notice the one that looks like a released Gmail client for the Blackberry? Yeah? Well, hell yeah, it is. Damn that's slick.

Prolific friends

Ever wondered what it's like to live in Cambodia? Well... of course... here's a way to find out.

I love it when people doing interesting things take time out of their day to tell me what fun I'm missing...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sweet new Google thing.

Super cool Tom Cruise jeans.

Google Co-Op CSE

Make your own search enginge? I'm dying to do something funny, but unfortunately, I'm not creative enough.

Google Co-Op Custom Search Engine

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Because everyone needs a picture.

I might as well

The reasons why I haven't had a blog before:
  1. I have no attention span
  2. I don't see a huge reason to have a blog
  3. I prefer to hear myself speak, rather than type
  4. Who would read it anyway?
But hey. I'm a member of the information super society. 1337 4ever.
